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Surrendering Tervuren
​We realize that relinquishing a dog can be a painful decision. If we can help you find a way to keep your Tervuren (by offering guidance on behavioral issues, training problems, short term fostering etc.), please contact us: we will be more than happy to assist you.
If you have made the decision to relinquish your dog, contact the closest BTR representative or email us at Upon surrender you will need to fill out and sign a release form and provide copies of the medical history. All surrendered dogs will be placed with a knowledgeable BTR foster care person for evaluation and temporary housing prior to permanent placement. A primary reason for foster care is to obtain an independent assessment to determine the best home based on the needs and personality of the dog. Historically, this process has been extremely effective. Due to the fact we are a not for-profit-organization, and our cost per dog typically far outweighs our adoption fee, a donation is encouraged and appreciated from all owner surrenders.